Locations are used to pin point a specific area on the map and inform users about this location with details such as images, videos and text description. Locations live under a category and can be selected through the sidebar or by clicking the marker icon on the map.
How to Create a New Location
1. First, have an existing category created to place the location under.
2. Once a category is created, click the blue button titled New Location in the bottom left corner of the map.
3. Place a marker icon on the map/rendering. There are several ways to call out a location on the map.
a. Enter an address in the address search function at the top of the map:
Once you start typing in the address, suggestions will start sourcing. Pick the one that best suits the location.
b. Use the location toolbar:
To understand each location toolbar function, please read the Location Toolbar Explained article.
4. Fill out all the content in the sidebar. Below is an explanation of each field:
- Title: Name of the location to be displayed.
- Duplicate: Duplicate the location and copy all the content in the description, pictures, and videos. Change what you need and reassign it to whatever category it needs to go to. *Note* you have to save and publish the location for the Duplicate button to appear on the top right corner by the "Title"
- Level: If the map contains interiors, select which level the location will live.
- Category: Select a category for the location to live under.
- Note: Locations can live under multiple categories.
- Media: Upload any photos and videos. *Only .jpg, .png, or .gif photos and YouTube and Vimeo videos are accepted.
- List Position: The position of this Location on the sidebar when compared to others, with lower numbers being higher up on the list. Have an important Location to promote? Assign it a number like -100 to make sure it always stays at the top
- Description: Written content, can include hyperlinks or edited in HTML.
- Keywords: Search engine keywords to help find locations. Not visible to users.
Learn more about Keywords here:
- Labels: Tag locations for bulk editing. This feature allows CMS users to bulk edit locations to be visible, private or scheduled. This is best used to bulk edit locations that live under different categories.
- Feed Embed: Enter a URL that returns data in HTML to dynamically append content from another source to a location within your map.
- Reference: Used for data feeds; ignore this field if you are not using a data feed.
- Visible: This makes the location invisible on the front end of the map.
- Private: Location only visible on the front end of the map with a shareable custom URL.
- Schedule: Select a date/time range for the location to display on the front end of the map.
- Location Open: Select how location information opens for the front end user.
5. Save and publish once all the content is entered!