Any revisions or additions that need to be made to the map renderings, street labels, or building labels will need to be done by the Concept3D team. If you are currently using our dynamic labels, then these can be edited through your content management system.
Below are the steps on how to add the revision request in your content management system (CMS) and what will be needed to complete any updates. Once added to the CMS, contact your Client Success Manager for a quote. All additions to the map will require an additional cost.
Once the quote is approved, map updates can take between 4 to 6 weeks (sometimes longer depending on the scope).
How to add Map Updates in the CMS
1. Create a category titled "[Month, Year] Map Updates" in your CMS - include this as a sub-category under the Map Edits/Concept3D category, save and publish.
2. Create a sub-category inside "[Month, Year] Map Updates" for each type of edit you require.
(ex. Map Edits, Model Edits, Label Edits, Interior Edits). This is optional but will help speed up the turnaround time for your map update. Save and publish. (Icons are nice but not Necessary)
3. Create a location for each map update needed and add these to the proper category within the
"[Month, Year] Map Updates" category, save and publish. Be sure to include a Title, Description, Image, and Marker for each location you create.
Be careful that your location is in the correct category and not in multiple.
The information below breaks down what data is needed for our team to complete the different types of updates and how to add them within the CMS.
These edits consist of path edits, tree edits, road/parking changes, landscaping shapes, and simple color changes to buildings.
Data Needed In the CMS:
- Descriptive Title (eg. Remove Path)
- Location Pin, Polygon, Line, or Shape in the CMS).
- Any Imagery that helps show the edits. (Eg. Site plan, Photos, Google Maps/Earth Screenshots)
- A Simple and Precise Description of the edit being requested.
- If available: Revit file or SketchUp file (uploaded to Upload Data Link In the upper right corner of your CMS Map)
These consist of New or Updated Buildings and Structures. This also includes statues.
Data Needed:
- Descriptive Title (eg. Add Bruce Hall)
- Location Pin, Polygon, or Shape in the CMS).
- Any Imagery that helps show the edits. (Eg. Site plan, Photos, Google Maps/Earth Screenshots)
- A Simple and Precise Description of the edit being requested.
- If available: PDFs, Revit files, CAD files, or SketchUp files (uploaded to Upload Data Link In the upper right corner of your CMS Map)
These consist of Non-Dynamic Label Edits New or Updated Building Labels and New or Updated Road Label changes (Moving/New label).
Data Needed for all Label edits:
- Descriptive Title (eg. Add Label for "Bruce Hall")
- Location Pin in CMS
- Correct Spelling
- Correct location if moving to a new location
These consist of any interior edits, Moving Labels, Updating floor plans, Adding door openings, and changing room colors.
Data Needed for all Label edits:
- Descriptive Title (eg. Close off door opening)
- Location Pin, Line, or Polygon in CMS (On the correct Level/Floor)
- Correct Spelling
- A Simple and Precise Description of the edit being requested.
- If needed: Any Imagery that helps show the edits. (Eg. Screenshot of a Site plan)
Once you have added all revisions to your CMS, reach out to your Client Success Manager to receive a quote. This will begin the process of making your map updates!
Additional Information
Providing and Uploading Larger Files (Revit, DWG, PDF, CAD, Zips, etc.)
Upload data using the link on your CMS Map in the Upper Right corner.
Or using this link at the top of your CMS map. (If you do not see this link, Contact your Client Success Manager)
Types of Files to upload this way
- PDFs with Top Down Site Plans and Elevations of all sides.
- CAD Files
- 3D Files. (Revit Files, SketchUp Files, Rhino Files, etc.)
- Renderings or images that show building material and colors should be attached to the location in CMS as well as uploaded via the Upload Data links.
See File Types & Examples for more information.
See below for a detailed demonstration of the Map Updates process!
Here is a link to our How To Make Map Updates Webinar!
Note: Base exterior renderings include buildings (labels), roads (labels), sidewalks, parking lots, water, general crosswalks, general tree placement (for 3D maps), general woodchip areas, and any additional details outlined in a contract or SOW. Renderings are based on current Google Maps imagery unless high-resolution aerial imagery is provided at the start of the project. Custom features such as detailed landscaping, custom trees, path paver detail, street signs, streetlights, and custom crosswalks are not included in the standard map scope but can be added upon request with a scope adjustment.