New Features:
ALT Tags for Header Images
Description: For ADA accessibility, all images on the map need to be alt tagged. We added a field under the Front End Styles tab to add an alt tag to header images when one is uploaded.
Tour “Group” Enhancements for Text Only Map and Print Map
Description: Tour groups have become more and more popular, which pointed out some misses in their implementation. They now work with both the Text Only Map and tours within tour groups that can be printed with the print map generator.
New “Local User” feature for Shibboleth clients
Description: Previously a client could only have all shibboleth logins or all direct CMS logins, not a combination of both. Now, clients with Shibboleth logins can use a “local user” to log in directly -- ensuring they always have access to the CMS even if their identity provider is down.
Feed Embed Feature 2.0 Support and Enhancement
Description: The feed embed feature allows clients to link to external content to display within the location description by adding a URL to HTML within the location editor.
Must be secure --> https and CORs compliant
Needs to be publicly accessible content (cannot require a password to access)
Any styling the user wants to apply needs to be done within the HTML using inline CSS (today, many websites use separate .css files as opposed to inline)
The content will display below any existing information added to the location description -- meaning it works like a supplemental feed.
The content can “poll” if enabled - meaning update every X amount of seconds. The default is no polling, so this needs to be turned on.
URL Requirements:
Don’t worry, we sanitize the content coming in to make sure it is safe for our application!
Wayfinding Search Enhancements
SHOW FULL ROUTE: Enhancements were made to the wayfinding search feature to pan to the searched location when the start or stop pins are placed. This creates a better user experience and is better for accessibility purposes.
SEARCH FOR KEYWORDS: Locations searched via Wayfinding will now respond/return to keywords
Example: Go here and search for "jill" in the wayfinding search
Back Button iFrame Fix
Description: We implemented a new feature that does not update the back button history as items throughout the map are adjusted/changed. This should solve the back button issue for iFrames!
Various Feed Updates
Automated Tests
Custom Location Icons now display in the CMS and Front End
Restricted access to the account page for users without edit permissions
End User Agreement Update[ADA] Update ARIA role for "Default" dropdown on sidebarRelease May 23, 2019:
New Features:
New Tour Card Design for Map Tours
Description: The sidebar received a CSS update, specifically to allow the Tour Sidebar to be more compatible with a variety of images. Changes include:
Split sidebar CSS into main/tours/transit
New tour cards design
New mobile category menu design, mirrors new mobile location design
Desktop sidebar transitions in much quicker by request
Add Hover Display for Marker Clusters
Description: It is a better user experience if the end user can see they can select a marker cluster because of an interaction when the mouse hovers over it. Therefore, we added a hover effect.
Ability to Turn On/Off Print Map Coordinates
Description: Clients requested the ability to turn off coordinates so that A, B, C... 1, 2, 3... does not display in the map or legend. This provides users more flexibility with the print map feature and the ability to create cleaner print maps if they are not used for directional purposes.
Miscellaneous UI/UX Enhancements
Updates to image displays to keep them from being formatted into square images with transparent pixels
CMS Setting Name Update for List Position (it was called weight on one page and list position on another - now it is always called list position).
ADA: Color update to arrows in Map Navigation Instructions Box for color contrast
Release June 5, 2019:
New Features:
Secure Image Upload
Description: Our maps use HTTPS. However, we also allowed HTTP image URLs, which would not display on the map. Now, when users try to use an HTTP image URL, we display an error that alerts the user informing them of the HTTPS requirement for image URLs.
Add New Location via GPS Coordinates on OSM Maps
Description: Clients on Google are able to add new locations in the CMS by entering GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude)in the location search fields. This feature has been added to OSM maps.
Polygon Marker Icon Design Update
Description: The polygon marker icon was originally a light gray X, which wasn’t clear or visible on some maps. The icon now is a bright green circle with a + in the middle to more clearly pop and show where the polygon marker will go
Default Styles Display in CMS
- Description: Front End Styles tab in the CMS previously displayed all styles as white when they had non-white defaults such as blue, gray, etc. The Front End Styles tab has now been fixed to show correct default colors.
Tour Default Zoom Copy Update
- Description: “Default View” within the tour edit page is now “Default Zoom” to more accurately match the action of the feature.
Various Feed Updates
Release June 13&14, 2019:
New Features:
Ability to Disable Directions on a Map
- Description: There is now a setting in the CMS under the extensions tab to disable the directions icon on the map.
Disable Zoom and Scaling for Accessibility
Description: This is a common error logged by automated accessibility tests for users with partial and low vision. On a standard page, disabling zooming and scaling allows for an easier experience for users zooming the page up to 200%.
Various Feed Updates
Release June 24&27, 2019:
New Features:
Static Maps Updates
Google Analytics For Static Map: Google Analytics will now track an event every time a static map is loaded
Level Option for Static Maps
Now, we have the option to add specify the level of the rendering in the static map. The query parameter looks like this: “&level=[Floor Level]”.
Also, if no level is specified, we default to the default level of the marker. So if a marker is on floor 1, and no level is provided, the static map should load interior level 1.
Previously static maps would display the exterior render for every marker. Even if the location was only on an interior level.
We solved this in two ways:
Increase Category Character Limit to 60 Characters
Description: Clients now have the ability to have more than 36 characters in category titles. The new limit is 60.
If more than 36 characters in the category title, the full title will be visible when users hover over the category in the sidebar. In the CMS this displays as a tooltip. On the front end map, this will display on two lines when the mouse hovers the category or when keyboard focus is on the category title.
Note - this is not recommended. We suggest remaining under 36 characters to avoid dropping onto two lines within the category sidebar.
Customizable Tab Background Colors
Description: When a client chooses not to use a header image, they were stuck with a gray bar that they could not choose the color of. Now they can edit that background color to match branding.
Top Bar and Map Control UI Updates
Home button moved to the side of the map under zoom controls
Map/Satellite Buttons now “Map Layers” icon on the right of the map under home and zoom buttons
Dark themed map control buttons .
Miscellaneous Updates
Removed “Select All” button on the sidebar when the sidebar is drilled down to only show locations under a single category (no-subcategories).
Active states added to buttons so it is visually clear that they are pressed (both CMS and Front End)
Other Updates
Automated Tests
Various Feed Updates