Allow users to create customized print maps on the fly with the Print Map Generator. Available for both the front end and CMS, cut out time creating customized print maps for events and visitors with this tool.
If you are interested in adding Print Map Generator subscription to your map, contact Concept3D today for more information!
Access the Generate Print Map button in the CMS along the top blue toolbar -
And in the top right corner on the front end map -
How to Generate a Custom Print Map
Once the Generate Print Map button is clicked, you will see a legend of options on the left and a red box over the map on the right.
1. Select the Page Size (Letter, Legal, A4), Orientation (Landscape or Portrait), and Resolution. Note that higher resolutions will take longer to generate.
2. Choose the categories and/or locations you want to include on the map by checking/unchecking the boxes next to the listed locations. If there are any tours on the map, you can click the tours tab to print the tour stops and routes.
3. Select the view of the map to be printed inside the red box, you can pan around and make the box smaller or larger.
4. Enter the title for your print map file. Next, choose the file type (PDF or PNG), if you would like grid lines to display on your print map (this will give a lettered and numbered grid to match locations on the map with the legend), and select if you want numbered markers or location marker icons. Finally, you have the option to print just the map imagery (with no legend or icons), turn off the map layer behind the renderings, turn off the 3D renderings themselves, the coordinates, or the compass.
5. Once you have completed your customization, click the Generate Print Map button at the bottom of the legend. After about 30 seconds, you will have a custom print map!