May 25, 2023
New Feature
Generate Accessible iFrame Embed Codes for Maps
CMS users and map visitors will now both be able to generate accessible embed codes for the map! The iframe will include the map’s name to clearly identify what the map is for assistive technology users.
April 3, 2023
New Features
Support for GTFS Transit Providers
Clients who publish their transit data in GTFS format can now integrate their busses and routes easily onto their Interactive Maps! Students, faculty, and visitors can now find accurate and real time transit information for all bus stops and routes on campus.
GTFS, or General Transit Feed Specification, is a standardized data format used by transit agencies for transit schedules and transit location information. We require three key pieces of information to integrate a school’s GTFS transit feed:
GTFS Static Feed URL - links to the GTFS data
Trip Feeds URL - links to the real time bus schedule, stops, and routes data
Vehicle Feed URL - links to the real time location of busses currently running
API Update: Multiple Map Access
Clients with multiple maps can now access their data across all maps with a single API key!
With a simpler access point to their data, larger clients can more easily integrate our location data and build custom frontend maps tailored to their end users’ needs.
Marker Cluster Customizations
Marker Clusters have three new settings available to customize how they display on the map:
Marker Cluster Limit determines how zoomed in visitors have to be when Marker Clusters will stop clustering and display directly on the map.
Marker Cluster Radius sets the minimum distance between locations needed for those locations to start clustering.
Marker Cluster Style styles the clusters’ colors with 5 different options: Stop Light, Primary Color, Light, Dark, and Greyscale
Clients now have more specific controls for how they want to display locations and Marker Clusters on their maps.
Marker Clusters have a couple different styles available now, like this Primary Color style that matches universities’ branding.
The new Marker Cluster settings appear when Marker Clusters are turned on in the CMS.
Wayfinding 2.0 Updates
Wayfinding 2.0 received a few UI updates to make the experience clearer:
More accurate instructions of the “View Full Route” button for screen reader users
Clearer notification when a start or destination location isn’t near any defined Wayfinding routes
Simpler copy for start and destination locations on mobile
(ADA) Clearer Instructions for Category Checkboxes
The checkboxes for categories on Interactive Maps have been updated to have more accurate instructions on what the checkboxes do.
UI Update: Location Services Permissions Prompt
Mobile users will see a more descriptive notification when they try to use their current location without having the correct location permissions enabled on their device.