April 1, 2021 : Map Release
New Features
Unique Email Required for all New CMS Users
- As part of the SSO Migration to bring CMS and Tour Builder users into one system, some changes will be made to the CMS. One of these changes will be requiring a unique email address for every single user in the system. As we work through current duplicate emails in the system, we updated the new user creation flow to check for existing emails in the system and required a unique email.
Error message for email addresses already in the system
Print Map 3.0 Updates
A few updates have been added to the print map 3.0 launch.
Return percentage/status on print map generation
Display a link to the map for screen reader and keyboard-only users
Status and percentage updates for print map as it is building
New link to map from printmap sidebar in step 3 so keyboard only users are able to access the map
Map Tour Locations & Levels added to Data Export
The data export, a tool of the platform that allows all map location data to be exported into a single .csv, received a couple of new updates this release.
Levels are now included in the export. A level column was included in the Bulk Upload spreadsheet, but not the export. The addition of this field will help production duplicate maps or clients export and re-import locations.
If a location was unique to a map tour, meaning it was created for, and only visible in, a tour, it was not displayed in the data export. Now, this tour data will be included in the .csv export.
Other Updates
Various Feed Updates
Various Bug Fixes
April 7-28, 2021 : Map Release
New Features
New Ability to Share Location with Directions Sidebar Open
- Previously, in order to share directions, the start and endpoint of the route both had to be populated. Clients want to be able to share locations with the directions panel open to allow end-users to create their own starting point. This gives their end-users a streamlined experience and brings attention to the directions feature. There is a new button on Interactive Maps in the directions sidebar that will allow users to grab a share link that will open with directions open.
The new share button in the Directions panel.
Generated Print Map uses Title and Date as Filename
- Print Map allows users to optionally input a title for their printout. This inputted title is now used in the filename of the outputted Print Map alongside the date and time the Print Map was generated. If no title is given, the map name is used instead. For example:
(ADA) Make Focus Ring in Firefox More Noticable
- Focus rings are an essential component to navigating webpages with the keyboard. They highlight what is in focus and help users understand the flow of Interactive Maps. They should be clear and visible, and the styling of this focus ring in Firefox has been updated to ensure this visibility.
The new focus ring for keyboard users in Firefox.
New Tilt and Rotate Button Icons in 360° Maps
All MapboxGL icons are now SVGs, which will display crisply on any device at any size.
Private Tour Group if all Tours are Private
- Previously, Tour groups would still display the grouping button on Interactive Maps if all Tours are private. This confused end users who were expecting to see some new elements appear after expanding a Tour group. Now, if all Tours are private in a Tour group, the group too is private and will not display.
New Custom Background Color for Maps without Base Tiles
- A solid-colored background displays behind Concept3D’s renderings if base map tiles are turned off. Until now, a generic gray has been used, but users can now set the background color in the CMS.
An example of what a map looks like with base map tiles turned off with the background color set to black.
The new Map Background Color setting at the bottom of Front End Styles in the CMS.
Update Print Map Template for No Title Given
- Previously, if no title was given for a Print Map, the map name and time would be used instead and displayed on the generated Print Map. Now, if no title is given, nothing displays in the generated Print Map.
Other Updates
Various Feed Updates
Various Bug Fixes
May 21 & 24, 2021 : Map Release
New Features
Single Sign on Migration
- With this single system, users belong to Concept3D and have access to Map IDs and/or tour Accounts. With the migration, we were able to link accounts for users who had the same email in Tour Builder and the CMS.
Users can login with Usernames OR Email
CMS Login Page - Highlighting Username or Email Login Field
Tour Builder Login Page - Highlighting Username or Email Login Field
Usernames are Editable
- In the tour account page (self-editable) usernames can be updated. Users created via the Tour Builder signup page will default to their email as their username. If an email or username is updated in the CMS or Tour Builder, it will update in the other!
Change Username via Accounts Page in Tour Builder
Link with Social Login
- On Tour Builder you could sign up and login with Google or LinkedIn accounts. This allowed for a seamless 1-click login. The CMS now gets to take advantage of this as well. All users still need to be created in the CMS to get CMS access, but if the user has the same email address that was added to the system associated with Google or LinkedIn - they can link with the social login for a simpler, seamless login.
A single click login with a linked Google Account
New Visible Password Requirements
Change Password In Tour Builder Account Edit Page
Create Password on Tour Builder Sign Up Page
Map Tour Accessibility Improvements
Screen reader users now receive an announcement when a map tour first loads.
As the user navigates the tour, they get updates on the tour stop they go to.
The image carousel now reads the alt text of each image as navigating through the media
Other Updates
Various Bug Fixes
June 8, 2021 : Map Release
New Features
Print Map 3.0 Enabled for all Maps
We enabled it for all clients with Print Map! What are some of the new features clients gain access to with this? Here is a reminder:
Updated template and legend design to make print maps more readable with more than 99 markers
Ability to print marker icons instead of numbered icons
Better screen reader support for the sidebar
Return percentage/status on print map generation
Print Map uses Title and Date as Filename
Updated compass icon design and the ability to turn compass display on or off in the generated print map
New, stylized numbered icons that are used by default
Transit Enhancements
- Multimap Support for Transit Data on Linked Accounts: Previously, only one transit implementation could be added per map account. This meant that linked accounts could only have transit on one of their maps! Now, a transit implementation can be added per map ID, even on linked maps.
Passio Transit Updates
- With our new Passio bus integration, we found a few items that needed to be updated. We can now see the vehicle name and "departs in x minutes" in the bus stop bubble and we removed some errors.
Other Updates
Various Bug Fixes
June 23, 2021 : Map Release
New Features
Ability to Duplicate a Location
- CMS users are now able to create a copy of a location. A new Duplicate button is at the top of the location sidebar and will create an exact copy of content, media and settings in a new location. Once the copy is saved, it will need to be published as any other location would be. This copy exists separately from the original and can be edited, published, deleted, etc. on its own.
The new duplicate button lives at the top of the location editor in the CMS.
(ADA) Identifiable Search
- Screen reader users typically navigate web pages by landmarks and headings. Because of this, it is important to correctly structure and mark up our frontend Interactive Maps so their assistive technologies can help users quickly navigate to areas of interest such as search. The search bar was correctly labeled with “search form”, but it is also now given a search landmark so that users can quickly find it using their method of choice.
Ability to Remove Feed Data from Specific Location
- When the feed’s reference ID is removed from a location, the related data is automatically removed from the location as well.
Removing the supplemental feed’s reference ID on a location will delete any related supplemental feed data.
Ability to Give Tour Builder User Access to Map
- With the CMS and Tour Builder sharing one Concept3D user management system now, the CMS and Tour Builder need ways to talk to one another to share permissions. The CMS now will recognize email addresses that exist in Tour Builder but don’t have CMS permissions. Once recognized, the CMS will offer the option to link the Tour Builder account to this CMS user being created. After linking, admins will be able to follow the normal user creation process.
A notification appears when creating a user in the CMS with an email that already exists in Tour Builder.
Ability to Edit Title of Level Selector
- Maps with multiple levels can now edit the title of the level selector that displays on the frontend Interactive Map. The title can be less than 5 characters long and defaults to “Floor”, which is what the level selector has been titled until now. Common requests for additional names include “Level” or “view” when the level selector is used for purposes other than interiors.
The level selector title can now be set in the CMS edit page underneath the display settings.
Ability to Set Min Zoom Level of a Map
- Currently, the setting defaults to 2, which is as zoomed out as possible. When set, the new min zoom setting will allow clients to focus their end users on a specific area rather than the whole map.
The new min zoom setting exists in the CMS edit page above the existing max zoom setting.
Track Tile Server Requests by Map ID
- This update now gives us a better understanding of how any specific map is using our Tile Server.