🎟️ 11 Things You Need to Know About Register 🎟️
Register is an internal tool that allows for managing tickets alongside events, and for your audience to make secure purchases without leaving the comfort of your Localist calendar. Below are the highlights:
1. Payout Accounts
You can have one or multiple payout accounts to ensure your organization’s accounting is streamlined. In addition, you can choose to absorb the the ticket processing fee or pass it on to your users during checkout.
2. Ticket Types
You can use Ticket Types to separate your tickets into different categories. For example, we’ve seen customers use ticket types for a theatre event and separate their tickets by orchestra, box, and tier.
3. Date Range
If you want to publish an event before tickets go on sale, we’ve got you covered! You’d just need to simply set a start and end date.
4. Promo Codes
Promo codes go hand in hand with tickets, so you can manage them directly in the Register interface. You can discount a percentage or dollar amount of the ticket, set an expiration date or number of uses, and apply it to all or just one specific ticket.
5. Hidden Tickets
Speaking of promo codes, you can also make a ticket Hidden. So, when this is checked off for a ticket, it will remain hidden until a promo code is entered by the user.
6. Attendee Question
If you’d like to get some additional information from users, you can do so by adding an Attendee Question. For instance, if you know you’ll be providing food to attendees, you can include a question about dietary restrictions. In addition, you can make these questions required, so users have to enter an answer prior to completing a ticket purchase.
7. Set Event (or ticket) Capacity
For some events, you may only have a certain number of tickets or limited room capacity. With Register, you can set an Event Capacity, which will automatically cap the number of tickets or people who can register for an event.
8. Twitter and Facebook Sharing
Once users have completed a ticket purchase, they will be prompted to share the event on Facebook and Twitter. This is an organic way for your community to share content on social media, which will open your events to a whole new audience.
9. Digital Event Check-In
For organizers, checking-in is at the tip of your fingers—you can easily scan attendees’ tickets straight from a desktop, mobile device, or tablet! Just as a heads up, digital check-in is available on the Event Details Page 48 hours before the start date.
10. Stripe & Security
As Stripe puts it, they are “the new standard in online payments”. In the Localist world, this essentially means that Stripe handles all online payments for Register. Your team will have complete control of Stripe accounts.
- Stripe Connect is used to link with the Stripe account that’s used for handling payments for an event.
- Stripe Elements is used to capture the payment details. Those form elements are served directly from (and communicate only with) Stripe’s servers. When a user submits a ticket order, Stripe gives us a one-time use token representing their payment details, which we send back with the actual request to charge the card.
11. Turn off Register for an Event
With all that said, we understand that you might have events that require external registration—you can easily toggle Localist Register off on a per-event basis.