How to create a Hotspot
Hotspots are interactive elements within a tour stop that can be selected to engage in additional content or media. Hotspots are overlaid on top of 360 panoramas or 360 videos to provide additional media for informational or entertainment purposes.
Hotspots are not included in the base 360º tour pricing. Contact your Client Success Manager to add this feature.
- Click Edit on the desired tour
- Go to the Tour Stop tab
- Click Edit on any tour stop or + new tour stop
- Scroll down to the Main Media section, select type, and upload Tour Stop media
- Once saved, you can click the Hotspots Manager link (This is greyed out until Main Media is added)
- Click Add Hotspot in the Hotspots Manager or click Edit on an existing Hotspot
- Add a Hotspot Name
- Choose Hotspot Type (see screenshot below)
- Rotate the panorama with your mouse to the position you want the Hotspot to be placed.
- Please Note: With a static image, you select and drag the circle to place the Hotspot. Important: Do not place hotspots near the edge of static images.
- Click Set Position to click and drag the Hotspot pin to place it
- Choose Hotspot Label to be On/Off
- Choose Hotspot Color Theme: Dark/Light (Default is Light) - Making a Hotspot Dark means both the Hotspot text and the box itself will be black instead of white
- Choose Hotspot Icon Size
- Choose Hotspot Icon
- Choose Hotspot Display - In World Hotspots will display within the panorama. Out of World Hotspots will display on top of the panorama. Read more about Out of World Hotspots here.
- Choose Hotspot Type - The image Hotspot will default if none are selected
- Upload, type, or add the desired content to the Hotspot from the Media Library
- Preview tour, via the Publish tab Cloud in the upper right-hand corner
- Click the Publish button to push your edits live
- Repeat to add different Hotspot types, as-needed
Learn more about the different types of Hotspots here: What is a Hotspot?