What does the Form feature do?
A Web Form is an online page that allows for user input. Our Forms feature is a Lead Generation Form that can capture information on potential customers.
Does the Tour Builder Form feature have its own CRM?
No! There is no separate backend for the "Forms" feature, it is all kept in whatever CRM your company uses.
What do I need to provide to create a "Form" in Tour Builder?
All you need to provide is a share URL or Iframe code from the web form in your CRM. If you do not have access to your CRM, talk to the team or person that manages it.
How to Create a Form In Tour Builder
1. First, get the URL or Iframe code from CRM admin, or see the instructions on creating a embed in Slate.
2. Log in to your Tour Builder account: https://tour.concept3d.com/
3. Click Edit on your tour.
4. Go to the Forms tab with the tour editor.
Choose iFrame or Slate from dropdown
(Optional) Add a name for your form.
(Optional) Add a description to your form
5. Add a share URL to an Iframe or generate an Iframe from your existing form into our "Form Embed Code" box.
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZKNRvLAP6zcdmAX5Ke13T4Io5pJVOU4FLxCuL1Z9yTe7rig/viewform?embedded=true" width="500" height="550" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>
Best practice for form width and height is: 500x550
6. The Preview Button will generate what the form will look like.
7. Click Update to save the tour.
8. Click Display Form to have it displayed on the Front end 360º Tour.
(Optional) You can have the form pop up on a tour stop, to do that click the Timing button.
Then assign it to whichever tour stop you would like to assign it to.
(Optional) If you would like the Form to pop up again if the end-user shows go back to the stop you assigned it to. Click the repeat for display button.
You are done!
Help Video & Sample Tour
Check out this sample tour on "How To" add our Form into a Tour Builder