Bulk Add Events
Localist’s bulk uploading feature allows you to build a Excel (.xls) or CSV (.csv) spreadsheet and upload all of the events at once.
Populating a CSV
By default your CSV template will include the following headers. Note: If (required) is noted, do not include this in the CSV header.
Header | Details |
Title (Required) | No character limit. HEADS UP: If your title and place name combination match another event, it will combine the two into a recurring event. If you do not want this to happen, please see “External ID” below or alter the title of your event to be unique. |
Description | No character limit. Our parser accepts the following HTML tags: strong, em, b, i, p, code, pre, tt, samp, kbd, var, sub, sup, dfn, cite, big, small, address, hr, br, div, span, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, abbr, acronym, a, img, blockquote, del, ins, iframe, u. If there’s additional HTML, it will not interfere with the upload, but the HTML and subsequent formatting will be stripped. |
Date From (Required) | Use the following format: 2020-10-30 |
Date To | Use the following format: 2020-10-30 |
Recurrence | Use the following format: Su,M,T,W,Th,F,Sa |
Start Time | Use the following format: 7:00 AM |
End Time | Use the following format: 12:00 PM |
Location | If assigning to a Place Page it must match the Place name exactly as it is saved in Localist. |
Address* | Only necessary if not connecting to a Place Page. |
Status | Enter Canceled, Postponed, or Sold Out. By default your events will be Live. |
City* | Only necessary if not connecting to a Place Page. |
State* | Only necessary if not connecting to a Place Page. |
Event Website | Enter any external URL, such as http://eventwebsite.com. |
Room | Only necessary if you'd like to specify the room that the event is being held in. |
Keywords | Only necessary if you're assigning a Localist Keyword to the event. |
Tags | Only necessary if you're assigning a Localist Tag to the event. |
Photo URL | To include a photo with the event, you will reference it using a URL that is hosted by your organization. |
Photo Description | This is where you'll note the photo's alt text. |
Ticket URL | Only necessary if you're linking to a ticket on an external page. |
Cost | A numerical value (i.e. $40) will trigger a Buy Tickets button, non-numerical/blank/free will trigger a Register button. |
Hashtag | Do not include a #, Localist will automatically add the # for you. |
Facebook URL | Only necessary if you're linking to a Facebook page. |
Group | If assigning to a Group Page it must match the Group name exactly as it is saved in Localist. |
Department | If assigning to a Department Page it must match the Department name exactly as it is saved in Localist. |
Allow User Activity | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Allow User Interest | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Visibility | Enter Unlisted, Restricted, or Logged In (for Restricting to Logged-in Users only). By default your events will be Public. |
Featured | Enter the name of the Channel or Homepage where you'd like to feature the event. |
Sponsored | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Venue Page Only | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Widget Only | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Channels Only | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Exclude From Trending | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Owner Email | This is where you'll note the Event Owner's email. |
Hide Attendees | Enter 1/y/yes/true |
Vanity URL | The URL suffix for the event. For example, changing the event’s URL from “/the_wizard_of_oz” to “/oz”. |
Experience | Enter Virtual or Hybrid. By default your events will be In-Person. |
Stream URL | If your event is Virtual or Hybrid, this is where you'll note the stream URL. |
Dial-In Instructions | If your event is Virtual or Hybrid, this is where you'll note dial-in instructions (Zoom, Skype, etc). |
Stream Embed Code | If your event is Virtual or Hybrid, this is where you'll paste the embed code. |
Event Types** | Must match exactly to Event Type Filters in Localist. |
Target Audience** | Must match exactly to Target Audience Filters in Localist. |
Topic** | Must match exactly to Topic Filters in Localist. |
External ID | Localist automatically consolidates recurring dates into a single event (with multiple date instances), but if you’d like to keep each date as its own individual event, you can use the External ID field. If an External ID is present (and is unique per row), the Localist importer will treat each row in the CSV as its own unique event, bypassing the auto-consolidation. If the CSV is set up as a feed, for any subsequent uploads of the CSV, if an event with an External ID in the CSV is already in Localist, it will update the event instead of creating a new one. This method does not work on manual uploads, as IDs are considered unique per source, and each upload is considered a new source. |
*This information can be consolidated into one column with the header Address. **This information can vary depending on your organization's unique Filter Lists.
- HEADS UP - If you have added Custom Fields or other Filter Families to your platform then the headers + columns will automatically be included in the template. If you are using a pre-existing file, just add a column with the custom field, etc., as the title. |
One Time CSV Upload
- Navigate to Events > Bulk Add Events
- Select Choose File to upload an existing file or select Bulk Event CSV to download a template
- Select any relevant options:
Skip Pending Queue: By default, events are automatically approved when uploaded. Unchecking this flag will send all events to the Pending Queue to be approved.
Import Past Events: If this is unchecked then any past events in the file will be ignored.
Community: This will assign all events in the CSV to the community.
4. Select Upload - You will receive an email when the upload is complete.
Confirming Your Upload
Once the upload is complete you will receive an email detailing how many events were imported and/or rejected.
- HEADS UP - The number displayed corresponds to events and not instances. Localist automatically merges events that have a matching Title + Location so if there are 10 events, on 10 separate lines with a matching title + location in the CSV they will only count as one event and will be displayed on the calendar as a recurring event. |
In the same interface that you uploaded the CSV, there is a Recent Uploads space that lists details of previous uploads. If there is a rejected event, you can select the link to view an error log. If you’re experiencing a problem with bulk uploading these are the most common errors:
- The headers and/or data is not formatted properly
- Past events are included, but Import Past Events is not checked
- An event name and/or start date is not provided
Updating & Combining Events
If the event’s title + location match exactly, Localist will either combine the data in the CSV into one event with multiple instances or use the data in the CSV to update an existing event that is live on your calendar.
Here are the different update scenarios if the title + location match: You have a live event with the Event Type “Academic” and a CSV with a matching title + location combo is imported with (this is the same for Keywords, Tags, and other Filters).
- The existing Event Type (Academic) + an additional Event Type (Lectures & Presentations) are present in the type cell —> Live event now has both types assigned.
- No data in the Event Type cell —> The Event Type data remains unchanged and “Academic” is still assigned to the live event.
- A new Event Type without the original one present —> The Event Type is changed from “Academic” to “Lectures & Presentations.”
Continuous CSV Upload
Adding a CSV Feed
- In the Admin Dashboard, navigate to Events > Feeds. On this page you will see all live feeds.
- To create a new feed, select +Add Feed in the top right corner.
- Enter a Name and the URL for the Feed
- The Name should be a general description easily recognizable by other admins.
- HEADS UP: If you need to change the URL in the future, ensure that the content remains exactly the same at the source to avoid losing or duplicating events.
Apply additional settings:
- Skip Pending Queue: Events will go live directly to the platform at each import
- Overwrite Schedule: If the date changes at the source, it will replace the current schedule in Localist.
If checked: Event A on Oct 1 is imported —> Upon next import Event A is now listed for Oct 2 and Oct 1 is no longer present in the feed —> The live event in Localist is updated from Oct 1 to Oct 2
If not checked: Event A on Oct 1 is imported —> Upon next import Event A is now listed for Oct 2 and Oct 1 is no longer present in the feed —> The live event in Localist is updated to now have two instances – both Oct 1 and Oct 2.
Essentially, this functionality is only applied to instances of events that are still in the feed. If an entire event is remove from the feed then Localist will not make any updates or deletions and the event will stay in the last-imported state unless manually modified.
Don't Update Filters: If checked, Content Overrides will only be applied upon the event’s first import.
This means that you can apply a general override to the entire feed then apply specific filters on an individual basis without the Content Override replacing the specific filters after the next import.
Apply Content Overrides (optional) - These will be applied to every event in the feed.
Include authentication details - If your feed requires an authenticated user to access it, enter the Username and Password
Save Changes - Upon saving, the feed will initially import once. After the initial import, the feed will import once a day overnight. This time cannot be changed and updates will not be reflected in Localist until the nightly import.
HEADS UP: Past events are not imported with Localist Feeds.
Google CSV
Navigate to Events > Bulk Add Events
Select Bulk Event CSV to download a template
Take the headers from this CSV and copy/paste them into a Google Spreadsheet
Once you have the headers and some events outlined in your spreadsheet, go to File > Publish to the Web
In the popup, you'll see the Link tab. Here you'll select Entire Document and in the dropdown select Comma-separate values (.csv) and click Publish, which will provide you with a URL.
You'll then follow the same instructions for adding a Feed outlined above
Just make sure you add the link provided by Google in the URL field when you're creating the Feed.
Important Feed Import Details
Feed Data Takes Precedent 1. Data imported by a feed into Localist will always take precedent over data that has been added or updated in the Localist event. Only the following 3 details can be locked and cut off from further updating:
- Name
- Description
- Event Place
2. All other details that are brought in via a feed must be changed at the feed source. If it is changed in any way in Localist then the changes will only stick until the next feed import, at which time it will revert back to the data in the feed.
- Exception: If a piece of data is not provided by the feed then any changes or additions in Localist will stick even after the next import. For example, if the feed only provides name/date/time/description/place then anything else, such as a tag or custom field, will remain as updated in Localist.
3. If fields in a feed match fields in Localist then the data must match exactly to what is saved in Localist. It is not possible to assign aliases or alternative spellings. For example, place names must match the place landing pages and filters must match your platform’s existing classification scheme in order to connect properly.
Bulk Add Events FAQ
Why didn't all of my events upload?
There's two things that could be happening here: 1) If your title and place name combination match another event, it will combine the two into a recurring event. If you do not want this to happen, please see “External ID” below or alter the title of your event to be unique. 2) Past events will not import from a bulk add by default. If you have past events in your CSV, make sure to check off Import Past Events on the bulk add page in the Admin Dash before uploading.
Who is allowed to bulk add events?
Platform Admins, Calendar Managers, and Event Managers - Learn more about these roles here.
Can you edit existing events in bulk?
Yup! Just make sure you do not edit the titles or there will be duplicate events upon import.
Does the CSV support HTML?
Our parser accepts the following HTML tags: <strong>, <em>, <b>, <i>, <p>, <code>, <pre>, <tt>, <samp>, <kbd>, <var>, <sub>, <sup>, <dfn>, <cite>, <big>, <small>, <address>, <hr>, <br>, <div>, <span>, <h1-h6>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <dl>, <dt>, <dd>, <abbr>, <acronym>, <a>, <img>, <blockquote>, <del>, <ins>, <iframe>, <u>