Conferences are a “moment in time” event spanning multiple days in a row and/or include scheduled sessions within the main “conference.” This may also apply to: festivals, workshops, orientations/trainings or special series.
Adding a Conference
Basic Info
In your Admin Dash, navigate to Events > Add Conference. You will start by filling out the basic Conference Details:
Field | Details |
Name (Required) | This will be displayed as the event’s name in the main listing and on corresponding details pages. |
Start Date (Required) | There are several ways you can enter a date: Oct 3, October 3, 10/3, “Next Friday,” “Tomorrow,” 10/3/18, etc. |
End Date (Required) | There are several ways you can enter a date: Oct 3, October 3, 10/3, “Next Friday,” “Tomorrow,” 10/3/18, etc. Once this is filled out, the Summary will update below. |
To continue to the next step, select Save Basic Info
Conference Details
After saving your basic info, the rest of the submission form will be exposed below. You will continue to fill out the event details just as you would for a single or recurring event. Please refer to our Event Submissions guide for more details.
Adding Sessions
After saving the main details of the Conference, select + Add Session above the Basic Info section. From here, you will complete the submission form once again, but the details will be unique to the session currently being added. Please note that Sessions are not considered to be unique events and they will not be listed on filtered or date view pages. Instead, the Conference itself will be found on all applicable filtered or date view pages.
Note: Speakers are available on both our Emphasis and Legacy themes. You can add Speakers on a Conference level and Session level. You will find the Speakers field alongside your Classification options: Speakers do not need to be added to the platform before assigning them to a Conference or Session. If you would like to complete the speaker's biographical information, navigate to Classifications > Speakers > select the speaker's name and edit accordingly.
Ticketing & Registration
You can add tickets on a Conference level and Session level. If they are added at the conference level, the user will be registering for the entire conference. If tickets are added at the session level, the user will be registering only for that specific session.
Saving Your Conference or Sessions
Once you've completed your session details, you will have two options: (1) Save and Close: Exit the conference form entirely with your Conference saved as a draft
- If you're ready to publish your Conference, select Save and Close. The resulting page will include an overview of all sessions added. To fully publish your Conference, select Publish this event in the upper right corner:
(2) Save and Add Another: Move onto a fresh form for a new session
- By default, sessions are flagged as "Publish Immediately" at the top of the form and will be published alongside the Conference. If you would like any of your sessions to remain unpublished when you publish your Conference, you must uncheck this flag.
Conference Page Details
Schedule + Event Lists
Attendees will be able to see all published sessions directly on the Conference landing page. Additionally, if a user flags themselves as "Interested" then the session will appear in the second "My Agenda" tab.
Conferences FAQ
Are Sessions individual events?
No. Sessions are considered part of the main conference.
Where do Sessions appear?
Sessions are accessible via the main Conference page. Sessions will not appear in the following locations:
- Search Results
- Channels
- Widgets
- Place, Group and Department Pages
- Bulletin and Digest