If you're looking to get back on track with your Localist onboarding, follow these steps!
Be sure to reach out to your Client Success Manager with any questions, or contact Support@concept3d.com for more information.
Part 1: (Weeks 1-3)
You'll get started with an introduction to your Client Success Manager and some of the tools we'll use to track progress and stay connected throughout implementation.
- Schedule Kickoff Call
- Attend Kickoff Call & Meet Client Success Manager - While this is not your first training session, it's a good idea to have all the members of your Events Calendar team present.
- Schedule Platform Training 1
- Platform Lead Access and Additional Account Creation - Concept3D will create your platform and contact the Platform Lead with how to login and how the rest of your team can create their accounts. Once they create their accounts, the Platform Lead will escalate their Permissions as needed.
- If Self Service, determine who will be completing your platform's Branding. If Branding Setup has been purchased, Concept3D will reach out to coordinate.
- Attend Platform Training 1
Part 2: (Weeks 4-5)
Once you've attended Platform Training 1, you'll have some tasks to complete before you can schedule Platform Training 2. Those are marked with a * below:
- Add Groups and/or Departments to platform*
- Brainstorm a list of Filters and add to platform*
- Add Places to platform*
- Make a plan for Custom Domain & SSL setup*
- If using Single Sign-On, complete the form on the Help Center to get started
- Once the required tasks are complete, schedule Platform Training 2
Part 3: (Weeks 6-7)
After attending Platform Training 2, you'll get started on adding events to your platform. On the Admin side, you can add events one at a time with the Add Event form, via Bulk Upload CSV, or after setting up a Feed URL import to refresh each night. Tasks required before the Final Review can be scheduled are marked with a * below:
- Determine how your team will add events going forward and add events*
- Determine if any Feeds need to be setup
- Are there a lot of existing events needing to be brought over? Take a look at the Bulk Upload CSV to import many at once
- Make sure Event Admins are assigned
- Make final determinations on Branding and submit final changes
- Schedule Final Review call
Final Review (Week 8 and beyond)
If all the above items are complete, you should be working with your Client Success Manager on final steps before launching your new calendar!
- Attend Final Review call
- Determine where you'll be placing the calendar on your organizations website via links or Localist Widgets
- Announce your platform to the community - This can be a Bulletin, press release, or social media blast. You can edit our Sample Template here, but ask your Client Success Manager if you're looking for more ideas.
- Let us know! We're always excited to share new launches with the rest of the team, as well as add it to our Map of Maps, Tours, and Calendars to showcase where all our clients are.