Place Pages
Permission Required: Platform Admin or Calendar Manager
Place Pages provide users with context surrounding the physical location their events take place. Using Places will add a directory to your calendar homepage, so users can search via a particular place. Saving a location as a Place Page also enables smart venue matching when you add an event. This means you'll no longer need to remember or re-enter a full address in the future!
What should be a Place?
A Place can be any location that has an address or is easily recognizable by your community. So, for example, a formally named performing arts center would be a perfect Place in Localist. For other generic buildings or rooms, you can put the location information in the event’s description or room field.
What are Place Types?
If you have sizable directories, Place Types allow users to narrow down these lists to quickly browse the most relevant pages.
Will an event still be linked to a Place Page if it’s Virtual?
When an event is marked as Virtual, you can no longer link to a Place Page because it’s being hosted online/virtually — i.e. not at a physical location. Just as a heads up, the Virtual feature is not equivalent to a Place in Localist. So Virtual events will not be linked to any location. However, you can have a virtual event + a location with our Hybrid Experience option.
Can an event be hosted at two Places?
Nope! An event can only be hosted at one Place in Localist.

Is your organization using Concept3D? Learn how to integrate your custom maps here: Concept3D Support.
Adding a Place Page
Navigate to Classifications > Places > + Add Place. After saving, Localist will automatically geocode the address you have entered.
Place Page Fields
Field | Details |
Full Name | No character limit. This will be displayed as the Place’s name in the directory listing, on the event listing, and Event Details Pages. |
Description | No character limit, but only around 150 characters will be displayed before being truncated on the main listing. |
Keywords | This field can be used to maximize SEO and ensure that queries pull the desired results by specifying common misspellings or if a place goes by other names.
Place Website | This website will be linked under the Place's name on the landing page as View Place Website. |
Twitter Username | This will be linked in a Twitter icon next to the Follow and Facebook icons on the right side of the page. The Twitter handle is also used by Localist to track any event related tweets coming from a Place’s account, which is taken into consideration in the trending algorithm. |
Facebook Page | This will be linked in a Facebook icon beside the Follow and Twitter icons on the right side of the page. |
Place Type | Select all that apply. This will be displayed on the Place Page and on the Places to Go list. |
Internal Notes | This information will not be displayed on the Place Page. This space can be used to communicate any unique directions/information for Admins. |
Address | Enter the street address, city, state and zip code all in this field. |
Phone | This is a text field. |
Hours | Ex: Mon-Fri: 6am-12pm, Sat: 10am-2pm |
Parking | Use this field to communicate any extra directions that may not be provided by Google.
Photo | This photo will be displayed on the listing and landing page for the Place. It may be used as a part of the Fallback Chain when an event does not have a unique photo. |
Custom URL | This will give the place landing page a custom URL.
Emphasis Exclusive
A more prominent display of Google Maps is now available for Place Pages! This also includes quick links for public transit, car and walking directions. Upon clicking on these links, users will be directed to the corresponding Google Maps results page.
If you are using Localist Communities, then you will see a drop-down labeled Community to select.
Assigning an Event to a Place Page
1. When in an event’s edit/create form, you will see a section titled Location. In the Event Place field, start typing the Place Name.
- Use: By selecting this option, you will not connect to a Place Page, instead, you'll be using a custom location
- If Use is not displayed before the name, it means that what's listed is a Place Page and can be connected to an event
2. If you select to use a custom option, such as Use: Madison Square as shown above, then fields for Address and Directions will appear for you to fill in. Using a custom location does not automatically create a new Place Page on your platform.
Bulk Adding Place Pages
Populating a CSV
Field data will need to be entered the same way you would enter it manually in the edit/create forms. Available Fields for Places:Field | Details |
Name | No character limit. This will be displayed as the Place’s name in the directory listing, on the event listing, and Event Details Pages. |
Description | No character limit, but only around 150 characters will be displayed before being truncated on the main listing. |
Type | This refers to Place Type Filters that are assigned to Place Pages and live in the Places to Go directory. |
URL | This website will be linked under the Place's name on the landing page as View Place Website. |
Address | Enter the street address, city, state and zip code all in this field. |
Phone | This is where you'd enter the Place's phone number. |
Photo URL | To include a photo with the Place, you will reference it using a URL that is hosted by your organization. |
Photo Caption | This is where you’ll note the photo’s alt text. |
Directions | This is where you'd note specific directions to the Place. |
Parking | This is where you'd note the closest parking accommodations to the Place. |
Hours | Ex: Mon-Fri: 6am-12pm, Sat: 10am-2pm |
This will be linked in a Twitter icon next to the Follow and Facebook icons on the right side of the page. | |
Facebook URL | This will be linked in a Facebook icon beside the Follow icon and Twitter icons on the right side of the page. |
Custom URL | This will give the place landing page a custom URL.
Internal Notes | This information will not be displayed on the Place Page. This space can be used to communicate any unique directions/information for Admins. |
Keywords | This field can be used to maximize SEO and ensure that queries pull the desired results by specifying common misspellings or if a place goes by other names.