Sponsored Events
Sponsored events are a way to give an event unique styling throughout the calendar and a prominent spot on your homepage in your Trending events list. The event will be given an automatic boost in the Trending algorithm, which will result in ranking higher in any Trending list–whether on your homepage or another channel. Not to mention, unique styling can be specified with Custom CSS so that the event stands out in the Trending events list and other results pages.
Featured & Sponsored Events FAQ
Featured Events get a spot in the Featured Carousel at the top of your homepage for effortless discoverability. Similarly, Sponsored Events receive a softer endorsement — they will have unique styling to make them pop and get a boost in the Trending algorithm on their event card across the platform.
How many events can be Featured or Sponsored at the same time?You can flag as many events as both Featured & Sponsored as you'd like.
Who can make events Featured or Sponsored?
Is it possible to pause the Featured CarouselYes, there is a play/pause button in the Featured Carousel next to the slide dots. |
Sponsoring an Event
Navigate to Events > Live
Select the desired event from the list
Check the Sponsored box under Settings
Save Changes
Assigning in a Bulk Upload CSV: In the Sponsored column, enter 1, y, yes or true to trigger the Sponsored property
Changing Styling on Sponsored Events
- Background: .item.sponsored
- Title: .item.sponsored h3.summary a
- Location: .item.sponsored div.location a
- I’m Interested: .item.sponsored a.imgoing