Featured Events & Featured Carousel
Featuring and Sponsoring events are ways to give extra attention to specific events on your platform.
Featured & Sponsored Events FAQ
Featured Events get a spot in the Featured Carousel at the top of your homepage for effortless discoverability. Similarly, Sponsored Events receive a softer endorsement — they will have unique styling to make them pop and get a boost in the Trending algorithm on their event card across the platform.
How many events can be Featured or Sponsored at the same time?You can flag as many events as both Featured & Sponsored as you'd like.
Who can make events Featured or Sponsored?Platform Admins, Calendar Managers, Event Managers, and Event Editors with the Event Promotor role assigned as well. (Event Editors require both roles!)
Is it possible to pause the Featured CarouselYes, there is a play/pause button in the Featured Carousel next to the slide dots. |
Featured Events
Featured events are events that you would like to give a prime spot on your calendar homepage or channels in the Featured Events Carousel to receive some extra attention.
Featuring an Event
- Navigate to Events > Live
- Select the desired event from the list
- From the In Calendar Promotion dropdown on Tab 5, select which Channel(s) (including the homepage) you want the event Featured on
- Save Changes
Assigning in a Bulk Upload CSV: In the Featured Tabs column, enter the name of the Featured Tab
The names must match exactly. The name is what appears in the Featured dropdown on the Admin Event Edit Form.
Please note that the image size below is not a suggested size, but the size of the carousel image itself. Localist recommends using the largest rectangular photo possible, up to 5000 x 5000.