July 7-8, 2021 Release Notes
New Google Analytics Event: View Tour
To better understand how thoroughly users are engaging with 360˚ Tours, a new “View Tour” event has been added to Google Analytics that will give a more accurate understanding of how many views a tour is getting. Combined with the existing “View Tour Stop” event, Google Analytics users should be able to distinguish between user behavior more easily now.
New Google Analytics Pageviews
Pageviews in Google Analytics are a specific type of analytic that can track important pieces of data such as user journeys and time on-page. Previously, pageviews were used to track usage through a tour load for billing purposes. With the new “View Tour” event in place and some internal backend work, usage can be tracked through other means.
With these updates in mind, Pageviews have been updated to send data whenever a new tour stop is visited, no matter the navigation type (e.g. carousel, back/next buttons, or direct URL). This will give Google Analytics users the ability to get a deeper understanding of how users are engaging with tours and where they’re spending most of their time.
Hide Welcome Pop Up Settings if Disabled
Tour Builder provides clients with a simple and streamlined way to build their 360° Tours. To keep the user experience consistent, settings that are related to each other toggle the other’s display. The “Display Pop Up” setting controls if the Welcome pop-up displays. The First Time User tutorial and Welcome Video settings are related to if the Welcome pop-up displays, so those settings are now hidden if the Welcome pop-up isn’t displayed at all.
The “Display Pop Up” settings determine if the next few settings will also display in Tour Builder now.
Ability to use HTML for 360˚ Tours Descriptions
360° Tours users see a Welcome pop-up with some information about the tour. This information comes from the tour description set in the General tab in Tour Builder and previously has been limited to text editable via a WYSIWYG editor only. This has changed and clients can now edit their tour in HTML, giving them the ability to add hyperlinks and style their text how they would like.
The 360° Tours description that appears in the welcome pop-up is now editable in HTML.
The new HTML editor Tour Builder users can use when editing their Tour Descriptions.
Additional Bugs Fixes
July 20-28th, 2021 Release Notes
Hide “Orientation Has Changed” Notification
A notification stating “Orientation has changed” would appear anytime a mobile device switched orientation between portrait and landscape. This notification was created originally to streamline the user experience with the introduction of 360˚ Videos. However, this notification is slowing down the experience, so we’ve removed it.
Zoomable 360˚ Videos
Panoramas are able to be moved around and zoomed in and out if users want to see more details. 360˚ Videos now also have the same zoom ability. All users will be able to control 360˚ Videos the same way they control panoramas now.
Zooming works for 360˚ Videos via +/- keys on a 360˚ Tour.
Return to Tour after Previewing in Tour Builder
Previewing a tour is a helpful and often used tool for Tour Builder users to see their changes before they publish. As such, having to constantly navigate back to their last edit is time consuming. Now, to streamline the user experience, users will be taken back to their last view that they were on after they exit the preview.
The new “Exit Preview” button that shows while previewing a tour will take users back to their last view in Tour Builder
Make Tour Builder Sign Up Page Mobile Friendly
Tour Builder itself is not meant to be used while on a mobile device and should only be used on a desktop. However, we still want to capture prospective users on any device they may find Tour Builder from. Now, the sign up page for Tour Builder is both desktop and mobile friendly.
A mobile version of the Tour Builder login and sign up page shows for users visiting from their iOS or Android devices.
Notification for Users Unlinking Google/LinkedIn
Users who sign up via Google or LinkedIn then unlink their accounts will still have an account with Concept3D. However, because they signed in with another provider, they likely don’t have a password set. To ensure a smooth user experience, Tour Builder users will be notified they will need to set this password through the Forgot Password flow.
The notification that alerts users to the Forgot Password flow they will need to go through to unlink their account from another sign-in provider.
Update Tour Builder Sign Up Success and Error Styles
An example of the new success styling for Tour Builder.
Additional Bugs Fixes
September 15th, 2021 Release Notes
(ADA) Indication of State for Autorotate Button + Swap Map/Panorama View Button
The autorotate button for Panoramas and 360° Videos has both an enabled and disabled state. However, screen reader users didn’t have a clear understanding if the button was on or off. This indication has been added and screen reader users will now know the current state of the button when they focus on the element.
Similarly, the swap button that switches the map and panorama views (located in the mini-map) now notifies the user which view they’re currently in.
The swap view and autorotate buttons both now notify screen reader users of their current state.
(ADA) Indication of Current Zoom Level of Map
When the map is viewed full-screen, 360° Tour users are able to zoom in and out and control how much map they see. However, screen reader users may not have a clear understanding of how far in or out the zoom is. Now, when a screen reader user uses the + or - buttons to change the zoom level, the buttons notify them to which zoom level they’ll be going to.
New Google Analytics Event: View Additional Media
Analytics around end users opening up the full-screen media viewer have been available for a while. While data around the type of opened media has been available, it’s been unclear which specific image or video users opened. A new “View Additional Media” event has been added to Google Analytics that provides this information. This new event should be especially useful for clients to understand which images and videos their end users are viewing.
September 28, 2021 Release Notes
Hotspot Updates
The Hotspot editor has received a few, small updates to make the user experience cleaner and more consistent. These include:
Hiding the HTML button for Text Hotspots
Matching the inputs UI/UX for Video Hotspots and Additional Media (Video)
A new default icon when Hotspot type has not been selected
The new default icon that displays when a position has been set but a type has not been selected.
Show Privacy Policy on First LogIn
With Multi-User Support coming to Tour Builder, new users can be created by admins. These new users will not have been prompted to accept Concept3D’s privacy policy yet. To keep these new users’ experience streamlined, the Privacy Settings page will appear on their first login. They will be able to log out, but all other functionality will be locked until they accept.
The Privacy Settings page will appear upon logging into Tour Builder if the user has yet to accept the Privacy Policy.
See Who Last Edited Tour + Tour Stop
To keep a clear user experience as more and more users use Tour Builder at the same time, a new “Last Edited By” notification has been added to the bottom of the Tour Editor and Tour Stop Editor sidebars. This notification will alert all users to who made the last, saved change and help users not overwrite each others’ changes.
The user who last edited the Tour or Tour Stop will now display at the bottom of the sidebar in Tour Builder.