March 25, 2023
New Tour Features
(ADA) Accessible, Multi-Language 360° Tours
360° Tours support content in multiple languages so universities can reach end users in their preferred language. To ensure visitors and assistive technology users understand which language they’re interacting with, we’ve updated 360° Tours to properly mark the content up with the language it is in.
360° Tours’ markup will change as users select which language they want to see content in.
New Google Analytics Event: Engagement with Form Embeds on 360° Tours
Clients can embed their own forms into their 360° Tours to capture leads and prospective students’ information. While we can’t see if visitors are completing the form since these forms are client-provided, we now have a new event to see if tour visitors are engaging with the forms.
February 16, 2023
New Features
New Integration: Capture Higher Ed
C3D partner Capture Higher Ed helps admission departments track students through their application journey. 360° Tours are now integrated with that journey, and clients can add their own Capture Tracking IDs in Tour Builder. The new setting can be found under a new Advanced section in Account Settings.
There are a few things to note:
- 360° Tours will send Capture page views to Capture for every tour stop a visitor goes to
- Clients will NOT be required to submit a tracking script. All they need to supply is their Tracking ID.
We hope higher education clients who partner with Capture will take advantage of this new integration and build a fuller picture of how prospective students are connecting with universities!
The Capture Higher Ed integration can be found under Advanced in Account Settings.
Notable Bug Fixes
Text color not working for tour stop description or Text Hotspot
Out-of-World Hotspot hyperlink’s default color does not pass color contrast
Unsaved changes prompt appears when no changes have been made
Unable to save Tour Builder account status
Unable to upload images in Tour Builder
January 26, 2023
New Features
Beta Launch: Adaptive Streaming for 360° Videos
Adaptive Streaming has been beta launched for 360° Videos! Adaptive Streaming breaks 360° Video into smaller chunks that we can deliver bit-by-bit over time. This allows us to display longer, higher quality videos and also quickly deliver these videos to 360° Tour visitors no matter if they’re on a home wifi or cellular connection.
You can now upload up to 500MB videos, and any videos used in 360° Tours should load and start playing almost immediately (with Adaptive Streaming enabled). This is a great way to showcase the very best spots around campus!
Notable Bug Fixes
Duplicate pageviews being sent to GA4
UA and GA4 recording the incorrect Event Category
360° Tour iframes fail to load in Firefox
Audio file size not being checked when uploading to Media Library
360° Videos missing custom dimension data to track progress