How many Filters can we create?
While there is technically no limit to how many Filters you can create, it is extremely important that you do not get too specific when defining Filters. For example, having Event Types like “meeting”, “colloquium”, “conference”, and “assembly” can cause a disconnect between your Users and the platform because they may not take the time to check each Filter or when submitting an event they may not know exactly which Filter their event belongs under.
Can users Filter by time?
This functionality is not provided by Localist, but you can always set up Filters for “evening” or “weekend.” However, we strongly recommend that these are kept to a minimum to avoid user confusion and overlooked content. For example, “evening”, “afternoon”, “midday”, etc. can have overlaps depending on the user.
Is is possible to apply a fallback image to a Filter category?
You're able to assign a fallback image to the Event Type Filter Family. Beyond this, it is not possible to apply fallback images to every category. Many events have multiple Filters, so Localist won't be able to tell which Filter image should be used. Instead, Localist has a Photo Fallback Chain to ensure that all events have a photo assigned to them!
How can a User view two Filters from different Filter Families at once? For example, "General Public" (Target Audience) + "Arts & Culture" (Event Type)?
After a User selects an initial Event Type, if they select a Filter from another category while on the Event Types' results page, the Filters will be combined upon page load.
- HEADS UP - Here are some helpful troubleshooting tips to try before you reach out to the Client Success team
How many Filters should I have?
This answer is less about a specific number and more about ensuring that your Filters are AUDIENCE centric. What does it mean to be audience centric? They need to be succinct, clear, and match the expectations of your users. They should also be short, broad, and digestible lists - no one should have to scroll and scroll to find what they're looking for! Create or audit your Filters list with best practices in mind using our Filter Best Practices guide here.
How are Filters ordered?
Filters are sorted by the number of events within the Default Date Range (Today, This Week, or Next 30 Days) and then alphabetically. Localist sorts Filters by the number of events first, rather than alphabetically, so users will easily be able to find events on your platform.
Why is the count next to the Filter different than how many events there are assigned to the Filter in the system?
The number that is displayed in parenthesis next to Filters corresponds directly to your platform’s Default Date Range. This dictates the time range and amount of events that will be displayed upon selecting a Filter. For example, say you have a total of 50 "Athletics" events on your platform, but only 25 of them are set to take place in the current month. If your Default Date Range is set to "This Month", the number in parenthesis will be 25.