Inside the Tour Builder CMS, panoramas have multiple setting options to create a unique user experience.
What is Default View?
The preset frame the end user will see as soon as they open up a tour. If no default is set, the panorama will be centered.
ADA Tool Tip: Go to the Media Library at the top of the CMS add a label for screen reader users.
What is North View?
North View gives the end user the ability to orient them where north is on the panorama.
What is Autorotate?
Autorotate will slowly rotate the panorama 360° degrees.
Within autorotate, users do have the ability to select the panorama to rotate left or right.
How to get to Panorama Settings
1. Login:
2. Click Edit on your Tour
3. Go to the Tour Stops tab
4. Click Edit a tour stop
5. Click Panorama Settings under the panorama
6. From here you can adjust your panorama settings.