Restricting Content Moderation
You can restrict content moderation by limiting an Event Editor or Event Author’s permissions to only designated Filters, Groups, and/or Departments. These designations apply to admin functionalities, such as approving events and publishing events without approval, which means an Event Editor or Event Author can use the public submission form to submit an event to all available Filters.
How to Restrict Event Editors & Event Authors
- Allowed: Access to only this Filter. If you Allow someone to a Filter, Group, and/or Department, they have permission to moderate (approve/reject) events in their designated Classification and submit events to other Classifications via the Public Submission Form for approval by an Event Editor/Author assigned to that Classification.
- Excluded: Access to all Filters except this Filter. When you Exclude someone from a Filter, Group, and/or Department, this prevents an Event Editor/Author from interacting with anything associated with that Classification. This also means that they will not be able to submit an event via the Public Submission Form for approval.
- Selecting a Parent Filter Item will allow the user to access all its Child Filter Items.
Once a user is Allowed to Filters, Groups, and/or Departments, they will only have access to those Classifications. In comparison, once a user is Excluded from Filters, Groups, and/or Departments, they will not have access those Classifications.
How Does It Work?
- When adding events, only the Classifications the Event Editor/Author is Allowed to will appear in the form for them to choose from.
- When moderating events, the Event Editor/Author will only be able to see and edit events that have at least one of their Allowed Classification items.
- Example: If an event has the Filter "Health & Wellness" and "Community", an Editor/Author Allowed to "Community" will be able to see and edit the event because it has at least one of their Allowed Filter Items assigned to it.
- The Pending Queue will automatically update to show events with an Editor/Author's Allowed Classifications or update to show no events if none of the pending events match at least one of their Allowed Classification items.
- Similarly, if an Event Editor/Author with restricted permissions receives the Pending Digest email, then the email will include all pending events, but when the Event Editor/Author navigates to the Pending Queue in the Admin Dashboard, they will only be able to see and moderate those events matching their Allowed/Excluded Permissions.
We suggest having at least one Event Editor/Author with access to all Classifications (leaving the Allowed/Excluded sections blank). If a user submits an event and forgets to add the Classification item the Event Editor/Author is Allowed to, the Event Editor/Author will not see the event in the Pending Queue for moderation.