Important Note: As of 12/4/23 Localist has updated their existing permissions structure to an updated, role-based permission structure. Please visit this help center article for the latest information: |
Video: Adding a New User & Assigning Permissions
Non-Permission User Designations
Verified: After an account is created, Localist will send an email to the user’s email address asking them to verify their address by clicking the included link. If a user does not verify their account this flag will remain unchecked and they will not receive any emails from Localist. They will still be able to use the calendar as a logged in user.
Pending: If a user uses the Invite Friends feature to send event details to an address that is not already saved on the platform/connected to a current user, the email will be listed as a pending user.
Assigning Permission Levels
- Navigate to Users > All Users
- Select a user’s name from the list
- Find the Permissions section in the middle of the user account page
- Select the appropriate level(s)
- Save changes.
- User must always be checked. This is what allows them to login to and interact with your platform (i.e. submit an event, I'm Interested, leave a comment, etc.)
Restricting Content Moderation
How to Restrict Event Admins
- Allowed: Access to only this Filter. If you Allow someone to a Filter, Group, and/or Department, they have permission to moderate (approve/reject) events in their designated Classification and submit events to other Classifications via the Public Submission Form for approval by an Event Admin assigned to that Classification.
- Excluded: Access to all Filters except this Filter. When you Exclude someone from a Filter, Group, and/or Department, this prevents an Event Admin from interacting with anything associated with that Classification. This also means that they will not be able to submit an event via the Public Submission Form for approval.
- Selecting a Parent Filter Item will allow the user to access all its Child Filter Items.
Once a user is Allowed to Filters, Groups, and/or Departments, they will only have access to those Classifications. In comparison, once a user is Excluded from Filters, Groups, and/or Departments, they will not have access those Classifications.
How Does It Work?
- When adding events, only the Classifications the Event Admin is Allowed to will appear in the form for them to choose from.
- When moderating events, the Event Admin will only be able to see and edit events that have at least one of their Allowed Classification items.
- Example: If an event has the Filter "Health & Wellness" and "Community", an Event Admin Allowed to "Community" will be able to see and edit the event because it has at least one of their Allowed Filter Items assigned to it.
- The Pending Queue will automatically update to show events with an Event Admin's Allowed Classifications or update to show no events if none of the pending events match at least one of their Allowed Classification items.
- Similarly, if an Event Admin with restricted permissions receives the Pending Digest email, then the email will include all pending events, but when the Event Admin navigates to the Pending Queue in the Admin Dashboard, they will only be able to see and moderate those events matching their Allowed/Excluded Permissions.
- BEST PRACTICE - We suggest having at least one Event Admin with access to all Classifications (leaving the Allowed/Excluded sections blank). If a user submits an event and forgets to add the Classification item the Event Admin is Allowed to, the Event Admin will not see the event in the Pending Queue for moderation. |
Permissions FAQs
Who should be an Admin?
Anyone you trust to add, edit, and monitor events should be an Admin on your platform. We recommend that you start out with a small group of Admins and add more as your calendar grows.
How do Allowed/Excluded Filters work?
If an Admin is Allowed to something, then they only have access to that specific Classification. When you Allow someone to a Filter, Group, and/or Department, they only have permission to moderate (approve/reject/add) events within their ‘allowed’ Classifications. On the other hand, if an Admin is Excluded from something, then they have access to everything except that specific Classification. When you Exclude someone from a Filter, Group, and/or Department, this prevents them from interacting with anything associated with that Classification.
Can permissions be added in bulk?
Nope! You'll have to manually add Permissions per user account.
Why can't X admin see Y events in their queue?
This is most likely due to Permissions. For example, if the admin is Allowed to a specific Filter, Group, and/or Department, then they'll only have permission to moderate events assigned to that Classification(s). If the event(s) in question do not have at least one of their Allowed Filters assigned to it, then they will not see it in their queue.