Front End top bar buttons can quickly link users to specific areas of your map, website or any other important information. Located within the top bar of the front end map, these buttons may be set to a URL or Latitude/Longitude.
How to add a Top Bar Button
1. In the CMS, select the Account button in the top right corner.
2. Click the Top Bar Buttons tab.
3. Click Add Menu Item and fill out the following -
- Maps - Choose which map the button is for (only if you have multiple map instances).
- Name - Add a name for the button to display as in the top bar.
- Target - Choose where the link will open (same window/iframe or new window).
- Align - Choose to have this button on the left or right of the top bar.
- Style Type - Choose whether it is a primary button, secondary button or basic link. The main difference between these is the styling all controlled through the Front End Styles tab of the CMS, see examples below.
- Choose either -
- URL - Enter a link for the button to connect to
- Latitude / Longitude / Zoom - All three need to be filled out. These values can be found using the Global Share feature. Find the view you want to direct users to on your map in the CMS, and select "Share". The Lat/Long/Zoom are all listed in the URL.
4. Submit AND save!
How to Group Top Bar Buttons
If you have a large amount of buttons in the top bar, we recommend grouping them together.
1. In the Top Bar Buttons tab of the Account page, select Add Menu Group.
2. Choose the title of the button to display as and align left or right in the top bar.
3. Add new or existing items to this group by editing any Menu Items and selecting the group from the drop down options.
Top Bar buttons Display on Mobile
If you have top bar buttons added to your map, these will display under a button titled Map Links on mobile.
To edit the name of this button, save a new title under the Top Bar Buttons tab of the Account page.