Emphasis FAQ
Can we pick and choose which elements of Emphasis to adopt?
Emphasis is a platform-wide theme, and as such, it is all or nothing. To use any of the new features or styles flagged as Emphasis Exclusives, you'll need to upgrade your platform in its entirety.
What impact does Emphasis have on my calendar's existing content?
What you see is what you get display-wise but populated with your platform's content such as events and Classification. Migrating to Emphasis will not remove any of your platform's existing content, it's just an update to how it displays the content.
Where can I see customer examples/customizations of Emphasis?
Right here! - Examples of Emphasis platforms
Is Emphasis accessible?
Yes! Localist is always reviewing and improving accessibility, and we focus our efforts on the Emphasis theme.
How can we mitigate having low-quality, or few unique photos, when migrating to Emphasis?
There are a few different ways to approach this, and you can use them all in parallel:
- Rely on the Photo Fallback Chain: The Photo Fallback Chain ensures that an event never shows up on your calendar without a photo. If an event is submitted without a unique photo, an image will be assigned to the event based on the Classification its assigned to. This includes things like Event Type Filter photos, Group/Department Page photos, Place photos, or the default organization photo.
- Add Photos to the Photo Library: Create a selection of pre-approved images that Users and Admins can choose from if they do not have their own photo.
- Public Submission Form Guidelines: Communicate with your Users things like photo size guidelines, or what to do if they don't have their own photo, by adding Guidelines within the form near the Photo field.