How often do Feeds import?
Feeds import once a day, overnight EST/EDT. So if you update a Feed during the day, those changes will not be reflected in Localist until the next day.
While you are able to test Feeds in Staging, they will only import once and will not automatically import each night as they do on your Production platform.
How can you add Localist events to your personal calendar?
We encourage you to add events to your personal iCal, Google Cal, or Outlook Calendar so you’ll never miss out on your org’s happenings. You can subscribe to any Filtered pages or Event Details Pages, so make sure to look out for the calendar icons!
If an event is deleted at the Feed source, will Localist remove it?
Events will not be automatically removed from Localist because there’s no way for our system to know if they have been deleted from the source. So you’ll have to manually delete these events in Localist as well.
If I delete the Feed source out of Localist, will the affiliated events also be deleted?
No. Deleting the Feed URL out of Localist will only prevent the events from further updating in the overnight import. Localist will never delete events without consent.
Who can add Feeds?
Platform Admins, Calendar Managers, Event Managers, and Event Editors
Exporting a recurring event to an Outlook calendar results in Outlook treating each instance as if they are separate calendars instead of individual events, can this be changed on Localist’s end?
Localist cannot change this behavior as the ICS file generated is formatted properly. When exporting a recurring event from Localist to Outlook, Outlook treats each instance as a separate calendar instead of individual events.
Can HTML be included in Feed descriptions for import?
Yes, our parser accepts the following HTML tags: <strong>, <em>, <b>, <i>, <p>, <code>, <pre>, <tt>, <samp>, <kbd>, <var>, <sub>, <sup>, <dfn>, <cite>, <big>, <small>, <address>, <hr>, <br>, <div>, <span>, <h1-h6>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <dl>, <dt>, <dd>, <abbr>, <acronym>, <a>, <img>, <blockquote>, <del>, <ins>, <iframe>, <u>
If events have been manually added via the Event Forms but the same event exists in a Feed I’m trying to import, will they automatically match in Localist?
No. Events in Feeds are seen as unique and will not match up with events added through other means (such as bulk-add or via the event forms).