Links |
Set link colors:
- Text Link: Text and Hover
- Dark Link: Text
Buttons & Pagination |
Set colors or borders for:
- Button: Text
- Primary Button: Text, Background, and Hover Background
- Secondary Button: Text and Background
- Secondary White Button: Background
- Secondary Grey Button: Background
- Interested Button: Background, Text, Hover Background, Active Background, and Active Hover Background
- Disabled Button: Background, Text, Hover Background, Hover Text
- Filter Results Button: Background, Border style/width/color, Hover Background, and Hover Text
Channel Header |
Controls the Homepage and Channel header area below the search bar:
- Title Text: Header text color.
- Background: Background color as well as background image tint.
Dropdowns |
Colors and border for dropdown menus across the platform. Includes:
- Background: Dropdown menu background color.
- Border: Set the border style, weight, and color.
- Extra Options Background: Set the background color for additional options menus.
Form Elements |
Edit styles for all forms across the platform:
- Background: Background color for each element.
- Text: Form text color.
- Border: Set the border style, weight, and color.
- Focus: Element's focus background and border color.
- Picked Item Background: Set the background color for selected items in forms.
- Toggle Switch: Form toggle color.
- Checkbox: Checked box background and border colors.
Breadcrumbs |
Edit styles for platform breadcrumbs:
- Collapsed Background: Background color for collapsed breadcrumbs.
- Separator Text: Controls breadcrumb separator colors.
- Link: Color for linked breadcrumbs.
Tags |
Edit styles Tags on the Event Details Page:
- Background: Background color for Tags.
- Link Background: Background color for Tag links.
- Link Text: Link text and hover colors.
Event Cards |
Controls event listing cards. Event Cards are visible on the homepage, Channels, search results, and on landing pages for Places, Groups, and/or Departments. Includes:
- Card Background: Background color for the entire card.
- Border Radius: Set the desired border radius for event cards.
- Content Background: Background color for the event content on cards.
- Background Tint: Background tint color on cards. On hover, each event card includes a background tint.
- Card Share: Text and button text colors for share options.
- Interested Button Text: Color for the I'm Interested button text.
- Mobile_card: Controls text and button text colors for cards on mobile.
- Tag: Select colors for text and background on card labels. These are the New, Sponsored, and Event Type labels.
Featured Carousel |
Set colors for Featured Carousels on the homepage or in a Channel:
- Next Slide: Next slide button text and button background.
- Current Slide: Button background color for the current slide.
Content Meta Data |
Controls subscribe options colors:
- Share Subscribe: Subscribe button background, text, and hover background colors.
- Featured Object Container: Background color for featured object such as featured Groups or Users.
People Bar |
The People Bar appears on event details pages and on landing pages for Places, Groups and Departments. Set colors for:
- About Follow Background: Set background color on the follow bar.
- Many-Follower Tooltips: Tooltips appear on hover. Set the background and text color for the tooltips in the people bar.
"Submit Event" Component |
Controls the look and feel of the "Planning an Event" component on the homepage or in a Channel:
- Banner Text: Set text color on the component.
- Banner Background: Overall component background color.
User Menu |
Colors for the user dropdown menu:
- Background: Overall background color for the menu.
- Background Tint: Set the background tint.
Landing Page Headers |
Controls colors for landing pages for Places, Groups, and Departments:
- Header Background: Header area background color.
- Background: Overall background color for the landing page.
Map |
Colors for map components on Places, Events, and in the Map component on Channels and/or the homepage:
- Label: Map label color.
- Label Hover: Hover color for map label.
Event Tabs Link Line |
Set the color for the lines below each event tab on your homepage or Channel:
- Link Line: Link line color.
Radii |
Set the platform border radius for elements of varying sizes. Element sizes include:
- Tiny
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Huge