This tab is all the global settings for a Tour. Click the Create New Tours button or the Edit button on an existing tour.
Add a title. Type in what you are going to name your tour.
Add a description for the tour. Help welcome the end-user and start the storytelling portion of a tour.
Front End
You can decide whether or not to show the Mini-Map during your front-end tour. If you use Concept3D's Interactive map services, we recommend activating the mini-map feature. This will allow you to showcase your interactive map designs.
Base Map Tile Color
There are 4 base map tile options to choose from:
*Street-view - highlights buildings and streets. More traditional view
*Light - Lighter contrast that has less detail and color
*Dark - Darker contrast that has less detail and color and seems more like "night time"
*Scenic - Will highlight green spaces, forests, and water more and have fewer details about streets/buildings
Link Rendering
Your Client Success Manager can add your renderings to your 360º Tour map view.
Default Zoom Level
Users can set the default zoom level for the map view of your tour. Click set default zoom level and move the slider to your zoom level preference.
VR Mode
Toggle on or off for a front end display button. There are two reasons why clients might turn it off. They do not have the capability or want their end-user to view their tour in VR. It is not an ADA friendly feature.
Front End
8. Welcome Pop Up Settings
The welcome pop up settings control the welcome modal that shows up on the front-end tour. Users have the option to it turn off or on not and as well as the First Time User prompt.
Front End
Welcome Video
Users have the ability to add a welcome video to the welcome modal. Add a public or unlisted Youtube or Vimeo link and it will automatically add it to the modal.
Help Video & Sample Tour
Check out a our How to Create a 360 Tour...Tour!