***Important Note on Photos in Localist***
The following sizes are not recommendations! The sizes listed below are examples of how large your image will look, shown at different locations around the platform. You should try to use the largest photo you can, with special consideration given to rectangular photos and photos without a lot of text.
Localist works a lot better to scale images down automatically and make the photo look nice, rather than scaling them up. The largest file accepted is 5000 x 5000, so think big when it comes to Localist photos! |
Photo sizes in Localist can vary from listings to landing pages. As such, aim to source very large, high quality photos and Localist will automatically scale them down.
- The maximum supported size is 5000 x 5000px (or 10MB).
- Using a 2x retina version of your photos will yield the best results when added to the platform.
Featured Carousel Image: 940 x 557px
Small List Cards: 290 x 200px
Medium List Cards: 450 x 200px
Large List Cards: 478 x 310px
User Icon Photo: 110 x 110px
Best Practices
- Photos should be, at a minimum, 940 x 557px
- Rectangular photos will translate better than square photos in Localist
- Use non-text-heavy photos as there are multiple viewpoints they'll be referenced
- If you must use text-heavy photos, aim for the text to be as close to the center of the image as possible.
- Aim for photos without too much white space for a better end-look
View All Photo Sizes
In Localist, you're able to view all available photo sizes for an uploaded image.
Navigate to Content > Photo Library
Select an image by clicking on the photo itself
On the resulting page click View all Photo Sizes
The resulting page will display your photo at all available sizes on the Localist platform