Text Changes refer to any time the default language on the platform is changed to display a different word or phrase. The majority of languages are made by the customer using the Theme Editor to modify the platform's HTML. However, there are some pieces that need to be changed on Localist's end.
Localist Text Changes include:
- Vocab: All Events, Groups, Places to Go, Submit an Event, I'm Interested, People Interested, Buy Tickets, and Register
- Date + Time Format: capitalization of am/pm (AM/PM vs. am/pm), adding a space after the time (8 pm vs. 8pm), adding/removing zeros at the top of the hour (8:00 vs. 8), and lengthening/shortening the date format ( Sept. 1 vs. September 1 vs. 9/1)
- Localist language changes do not include Filters, Custom Fields, or Homepage tabs.
Changes Your Team Can Make:
The files noted are found in the HTML Theme Editor by navigating to Settings > Platform Settings > Appearance > Select Edit HTML for the appropriate theme.
- Example file: Homepage > _add_event_block
- Homepage is the section in the theme editor and _add_event_block is the actual file.
Localist Platform Homepage Share Events Box: Homepage > _add_event_block
Public Event Submission Form Adding an Event + Batch Event Add Boxes: Events > Public Event
Landing Pages Getting Here map header:
- Place Landing Page: Places > Place Page Shell
- Event Landing Page: Events > _right_sidebar
Recent Activity Section (header, comment, review, photo and no recent activity): Shared Among Multiple Views > _recent_activity
Upcoming Events header, Recent Event header & “View full calendar” link:
- Place Landing Page: Places > Place Page Shell
- Group Landing Page: Groups > Page Shell